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Proposition K, which proposed the closure of the Great Highway and was passed by San Francisco voters in the November 2024 election, sparked significant anger, particularly in the Western and Southern parts of the city, where the Chinese community is most concentrated. Photo by Wind Newspaper
Opinion: San Francisco MTA leadership change - a turning point for working families

After 5 years as the head of the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA), Director Jeff Tumlin did not renew his contract last December. Director Tumlin is undoubtedly well-intentioned in his efforts to address San Francisco's transportation challenges.

Politics & Elections
D4 merchant and community leader Albert Chow speaks in the kickoff rally at the United Irish Cultural Center in Sunset District on February 1 in support of the petition to recall D4 Supervisor Joel Engardio. Courtesy “Recall Engardio” campaign
Both for and against “Recall Engardio” campaigns launched on February 1, 2025

SAN FRANCISCO — The passage of Proposition K in the November 2024 election to permanently close the portion of Great Highway in the Sunset District has pushed the opponents of the measure to take actions by organizing a recall petition against the author of the measure, District 4 Supervisor Joel Engardio. Both sides of the recall petition have officially launched their campaigns on February 1 trying to gain more supporters among D4 voters.